Friday, May 14, 2010

Mississippi Kite

We have Mississippi kites nesting in our big tree on the end of the driveway. At first we noticed them circling around the house. One of them landed in our yard and was scouting around. After a few weeks we noticed them carrying branches etc. to the tree. The nest is about 30ft from the ground at the top of the tree but well hidden from all sides. It is very hard to see but you can hear them. When they get noisy I go out with my camera and take a few photos.

Here is some info from the internet.

Mississippi kites generally begin nesting soon after their arrival in spring. They form pair bonds before arriving at nest sites and display little territorial behavior.
In late May or early June, kites lay 2 white to pale bluish white eggs . Both parents incubate the eggs and feed the young. They usually lay only 1 clutch per year, which hatches after an incubation period of about 30 to 32 days. The young are able to fly and leave the nest 30 to 34 days after hatching.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Then and Now

It was mothers day and Beth and I wanted to duplicate a portrait of ourselves that we had done in our college years by a friend in my photography class. It was framed then displayed in every house we've lived in since then. We had been looking at recreating this photo for about 10 years now so it was overdue. We made a date of it and had a lot of fun together. As a matter of fact, because these photos now sit on our fireplace mantle, I could say it will be one of the top 20 memorable moments in our relationship.

The original photo was in black and white and shot on film. Today of course we have the luxury of digital so we were able to review every shot. After reviewing we would then get ourselves back into position and try again. Each time snuggling and laughing as we tried to keep the same expression we had back in the day.

So now, after 25 years, we have a duplicate of the photo we looked at for just as long. Only we were in our twenties back then.... and now,... well we ARE twenty five years older. :-)