Before church, Julia woke us up to remind her mother that she (Beth) would straighten her

(Julia's) hair if she (Julia) woke up early enough...Thanks honey! It was OK though. I like being alerted that it is 6:30 in the morning by a cute girl anyway. So I thought a "before" photo was in order. (She is not going to like me posting her photo.)

After church we watched the Saints game... they played the Rams. The Saints won the game but it wasn't pretty. However, they are now 9-0 and are secured a playoff spot. Never thought I would be cheering for the Saints again.

Julia invited a friend over for the day. (Wish I would have taken a photo) They look like sisters now that Julia has straight hair. They played outside by the pond a little and I did take a long photo from the house. I was on my

way to photograph some wildlife when right about that time a friend of ours came by to see if we wanted our field mowed. I couldn't turn that down. So as the tractor was purring and I was walking to the pond, my next door neighbors decided to

skeet shoot with their 12 guage shot guns. It not only scared me but just about any wildlife for a couple miles. Well at least I thought. I saw this Mississippi Kite fly overhead and I had just enough time to photograph it flying away.

I thought for sure I wouldn't have a chance for many more photos but as I was making my way around the south side of the pond I saw a bird that was bathing itself and it flew into a nearby tree.

As I kept walking I heard a little splash and saw a field mouse in the water swimming away from me. The dogs must have scared it but they didn't see it. The poor thing swam and swam until it was almost to the shore

of the north side. By this time it was exha

usted. It stopped by a floating tree we have as a turtle resting place. My dog Maggie has a very keen nose and smelled the critter. She couldn't see it because it was behind the log. However, Maggie was determined to find what she was smelling and she was awarded her prize. She snatched the

mouse and kept it hidden from anyone who came close. I am no fan of field mice but I did feel a little sorry for the varmint.

Just a little later Michael and I raked leaves and burned them. Maggie and Sam like to play in the leaf piles like young children. We let them have their fun until there were none left to play in. We finished the day by bringing the kids to youth group and I visited with some friends.