What worldview do the Thompsons have? What does this have to do with visiting the worlds largest creation museum?
What is Worldview?
According to Wikipedia!
"A worldview describes a consistent (to a varying degree) and integral sense of existence and provides a framework for generating, sustaining, and applying knowledge."
Everyone has a worldview! Your worldview is shaped by personal experience,
(which may or may not be influenced by the supernatural), and knowledge of factual evidence in the world you live in. How you interpret reality is influenced by your worldview. Facts can be interpreted quite differently between opposing worldviews.
Therefore if you can agree that;
1. Worldview can effect interpretation of reality and or factual evidence and
2. Worldview does not change factual evidence, (you can see the same facts and draw different conclusions),
then there is common ground for opposing worldviews. (You can agree to disagree)
What worldview do the Thompsons have?We obviously have a biblical worldview influenced by our Christian faith. Everything we've experienced can be explained through our knowledge of the bible and we are influenced by the supernatural work of God in our lives. We believe that we exist because God created us just as it is explained in the book of Genesis in the bible.
Why is it important to know this about us?We believe that God created the world and we do not believe in evolution. (An opposing worldview) We believe that the evidence provided for us today and tomorrow agrees with the bible. We believe that evolutionists have the same evidence but draw a different conclusions because they have a different worldview. We believe that there are things that are still unexplained and some that may never be explained.
Sorry for the long post but now you now know why we are going to visit the world's first creation museum. The creationist museum is a 70,000 square foot museum designed to promote young earth creationism. Designed by a former Universal Studios exhibit director, this state of the art museum brings the accounts of the bible to life. The museum presents an account of the origins of the universe, life, mankind, and man's early history according to a literal reading of the book of Genesis. For more information, visit
http://creationmuseum.org/ . This will be the furthest stop and only one stop during our week long vacation. I hope to have plenty of photos to post on facebook and here.